>OUSD Board Resolution 07-08-36 In Support of OUSD Green Schools


This is to track and keep notes on Ojai USD going green
based on OUSD Board Resolution 07-08-36
“In Support of OUSD Green Schools”
WHEREAS, the greater Ojai community has a far-reaching reputation for its innovative leadership and environmental stewardship; and
WHEREAS, the school district has the potential to make a positive, tangible, environmental change while teaching students to be steward of their communities, the earth and its resources; and
WHEREAS, change within schools can help catalyze change in the broader society; and
….WHEREAS, students, teachers, staff, administrators, and volunteers can be exposed to harmful chemicals at school that could result in negative impacts to their health and their ability to learn, teach, and work; and
WHEREAS, schools have a tremendous opportunity to teach students about ecological sustainability, environmental health, and nutrition while meeting math, science, social studies, and arts standards and to support students to become leaders in making their own school a healthier and more ecologically friendly place; and
WHEREAS, the district is supported in their efforts by many community volunteers and organizations whihc include The Ojai Valley Green Coalition, The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, The Rotary Clubs of Ojai and Food For Thought: and….
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that to promote healthier, more environmentally sustainable schools, teach environmental stewardship and leadership, and gather input and expertise from the entire community, the Board of Education of the OUSD creates the OUSD Green Schools Committee and charges it to develop and recommend policies consistent with this resolution for the Board to adopt; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, over time the goal is to have a Green Schools Committee at each school site involving administration, teachers, students and volunteers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Green Schools Committee will develop an environmental action plan and recommend to the Board of Education policies for adoption that meet state standards, lighten the districts’s environmental foodtprint, and integrate environmental education and student participation into school-wide environemtnal initiatives, including using partnerships with environmental education providers, both non-profit and public agencies; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Green Schools Committee will give to the Board of Education an annual report on the district’s environmental footprint that will incorporate curriculum issues and environmental sustainability.